Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Be the Change you want to see in the World"

Throughout my life, I have always been a reader. I have always enjoyed the power of words. In high school, I began obsessing and collecting powerful and inspiring quotations. I am sure this is similar to lots of other people. It has to be quite popular of an activity if there are so many websites and books dedicated to collections of quotes to inspire others.

When I am weak, and I cannot find a single thought in my head that will suffice to keep me moving on, I search through the words and wisdom of others. Sometimes, I find strength in the Bible. The Bible itself has timeless quotations and stories, that have without a doubt helped millions (millions being an understatement) of people survive some of their weakest moments or their trials of tribulation. There are also famous people who have used their words to help guide others, without being aware that for years, even centuries, to come the words would continue to push people to strive for the best, to gain strength within, to remember what is always worth remembering.

Recently, as I've mentioned, I have come to a crossroad. I have been stuck at this intersection for quite sometime, and I've thought to myself that it will just happen, I will just go and I won't have to do anything, it will just happen. I watch others, face similar problems, they just don't know what to do and they just don't know what needs to be done, but they know that there is something else out there and they hope and they pray it will just come to them. I empathize, I understand, I get it. I've waited, I've hoped, and I've prayed that someday the answer will come and I will know the solution to my every problem.

Then, I stumbled across a quote I have always adored.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi

Now, sure, I've always read this and thought, well hey if I want something to be a certain way, I should lead by demonstration. Kind of, Do unto others as you want done to you or, hope that Monkey See Monkey Do. Sure, this is true. If you want people to do things, you cannot be a hypocrite and you need to do them too.

Then, I realized, that Mahatma Ghandi wasn't really telling me to be the leading monkey in the circus! Ghandi has been telling me, that if I want something to change, if I NEED something to change, I HAVE TO BE THE ONE WHO DOES IT. I cannot wait for the world to change it for me, I have to be that change. How wonderful, how inspiring. How come I never saw this before, how come everybody does not understand the simple rule to getting what you want in this world. We have become so lazy, we have become SO HELPLESS. Maybe I should blame Disney for putting the idea that I may struggle but my prince will come rescue me in the end. I don't know why I have always thought that I could just do nothing and that the change I need, the answer I have been searching for would just APPEAR out of thin air? We are all fools thinking that we don't have to work for what we want. If you are reading this now, and you are unhappy, and you are not getting what you want from life, and you are searching for answers and you are just so lost in a world that you fear you won't EVER understand. DO SOMETHING. DO ANYTHING.

You have to be the change, you have to make the change, you have to DO the change.
and no matter who you are, what you do, what you have done, what you have gone through, you are capable of everything and anything. We are beautiful and wonderful creations and even though we all face obstacles and desperation and helplessness we are designed to push and fight and to make it through.

We often forget that although we might not all be writers, and we might not feel we have control over things... We are the authors of our own stories and if we want something to happen, we have to be the ones who make it happen. So, please, stop your suffering yourself, stop hoping and wishing that it will come to you. Make the change, make mistakes, keep running trials and experiments with your life and if it fails, try and try again. Remember, life is all trial and error, and if you don't keep trying and doing, you will be the one to blame when your final chapter ends and you still feel like the story was missing something.

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