Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well, I am not going to lie, this post started out as a completely negative post. I have found that on days I stay up past midnight, I wake up the next day (even after 8 hours of sleep) feeling lethargic and down. I lack motivation and I am easily upset, by little things. Not a fan! Anyways, so to avoid this from happening, I am going to start working on making sure I am asleep by midnight, no matter how engrossed in a book, television show, movie, or facebook I might be. I've already discussed that I have an issue with winding down, but I guess the issue has always been that I want to be one of those people that can go to bed at 9pm and wake up at like 5am. It just seems like the thing you're supposed to do as an adult. Reality is, I am never tired until at least 10pm, and aiming to be asleep by midnight still means I can wake up early (8 hours of sleep would be 8am) Blah blah blah. Who cares why am I writing so much about this.

So, as I started my day a grumpy monkey... I did multiple things to try and feel good. I took a long shower, and in the shower, I tried repeating in my head. "today is a good day, today is a good day, today is a good day". I wasn't really convinced but I was clean and relaxed. I ate some ramen noodles for breakfast, and caught up on two of my favorite shows... that was pretty fun... so then I decided to put on make up because I always like doing that and decided to take pictures of myself. It's weird, perhaps conceited, but I have been working like a mad dog to lose weight and feel good, so if in some pictures I feel pretty, it should help.

Talked to two lovely ladies from my past today.
Both of which reminded me the benefits of remaining positive, without actually telling me benefits, just talking about their lives motivated me to get back on track.

So here I am, rewriting what was a hateful post into a positive wahoo.

  • I have decided to start working on 6 miles a day, when I was only doing 3 miles of walk away the lbs. So far, I've done it two days in a row. I took a day off, and then I did 3 miles today, tomorrow I will do 6 miles again.
  • I have cut my hair again, and I used a "Brass Banisher" to help make it not so yellow from a box blond. I stayed away from touching my roots, and was hoping to tone down the blond in my hair right now so it wouldn't look so trashy as I grow out my hair to my natural color. (believe me, i might be blond but the blond I chose, is really really blond and the roots I have growing in almost really look tacky)
  • I am trying to stay away from the scale so I cannot mark an progress on weight loss, just because the numbers right now are making me more sad than happy.
  • I rewarded myself with some new movies VERSUS getting drinks at the bar. ( I have Valentine's Day, He's Just Not That Into You, and The Sweetest Thing en route to my house) (OH, plus a new book).
I guess that's about it, trying to think positively isn't always easy so I'm not really thinking of much else I've done that's good :) Have a nice day.

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